Shadow Wolf (Shinobi Saga) Page 3
The shadow wolf shuddered when deft fingers snapped a second ring just below the head and then began digging into the slit. This time when the needle rose he couldn’t hold back a sharp gasp as it pierced sensitive flesh. “Like that, do you, boy?” The Yakuza smirked with satisfaction. “We’ll just have to make it a double.”
Yoshi almost choked when the needle once again pressed through the head of his penis. When the second ring was in place he took a long raspy breath, fighting hard to regain his composure.
“Now that that's taken care of we can move on to more pleasurable endeavors.” The crime lord dropped the bar tethering Yoshi's wrists and unshackled him, wrapping a fist in colorless strands and jerking the shadow wolf's mouth to his crotch as he freed his weeping erection.
Short, fat and every bit as ugly as he is, the shinobi decided as the unappetizing length was pressed against his lips.
“Get it good and wet, boy,” the Yakuza laughed. “You’ll be glad that you did.”
Yoshi reluctantly took the twitching cock in his mouth, realizing the practicality of following directions as he fought to keep from vomiting. Thankfully his tormentor tired of his lackluster ministrations after just a few minutes and pulled himself free. “Bend over the table, boy.”
The shadow wolf hopped over to the table and leaned his arms on the top. “Further, slut.” The crime lord grabbed the back of Yoshi's neck and forced him to sprawl awkwardly on the wooden surface, legs dangling uselessly. Once the long body was positioned to his liking he roughly thrust in to the hilt, groaning his pleasure as tender tissue shredded under the onslaught, the flow of blood allowing subsequent strokes to penetrate even deeper.
Yoshi dug his fingers into the unfinished wood of the table top and held on, hoping to at least minimize the rough scrape of his newly pierced flesh against its surface. He shut his eyes and forced himself to relax, picturing his home early in the morning when people were just starting to stir. He added more and more detail as he distanced himself from his body's activities, subconsciously counting the minutes until his service in this place was complete.
After what seemed like an eternity the Yakuza finally shuddered through his completion, smacking the shadow wolf hard on the ass before pulling out and flipping the elite over. “Now clean up your mess, boy.” He pressed his blood and semen coated length against Yoshi's lips.
Pale lips parted, an unenthusiastic tongue sweeping out to tentatively taste. The sensitive ninja grimaced, steeling himself for what was to come as he opened his mouth wider and took the tip of the Yakuza's softened cock into his mouth, fighting the desire to gag as the taste and smell overwhelmed his heightened senses.
The crime lord put up with Yoshi's hesitation for a few minutes while he came down from his orgasm. Once he recovered, however, he took control, fisting his hands in snowy hair as he brutally fucked the elite's mouth.
It took a very long time for the older man to get hard after his orgasm, and even longer until he was able to come again. By the time his hips began to jerk erratically Yoshi's jaw was numb and his scalp on fire. His tormentor took perverse pleasure in stuffing his throat until he choked. He would only relent and allow the elite to breathe when mismatched eyes rolled back in his head and he began to lose consciousness.
“Now, now, none of that, pet. I have friends coming over later, you’ll want to be awake for the fun.” The Yakuza finally came with a groan, shooting his cum down the shadow wolf's throat before shoving him to the floor.
The crime lord reached across the table, snagging a heavy chain with a loop on one end and fastening it to the rings piercing the head of Yoshi's penis. “Hurry up, boy, we need to get you cleaned up for the party.” He yanked on the chain, making the ninja scurry to keep pace.
Yoshi vaguely noted the hallways they passed through, eventually emerging in a large bathing chamber. “In you go, pet,” the oily voice urged as he was dragged through the door. His embarrassment skyrocketed when another door opened and an unfamiliar ninja strolled in. The medic inspected the battered elite before applying some ointment to speed healing of the piercings and repair the torn tissues of his anus.
“He's quite attractive, isn’t he?” the Yakuza remarked. “Would you like to fuck him?” The shadow wolf quailed at the offer, unsurprised to be pushed into the wall as a hard cock forced its way inside his tight passage.
“Shit, that's good.” The medic let out a groan once he was buried in the elite's ass. He reached around and grasped Yoshi's purpling length, tugging on the piercings and dragging his nails across the slit, squeezing hard as he screamed his release. He panted against the broad pale back for a moment before pulling out, tucking his limp length back into his pants. Once again he massaged healing salve into abused tissues.
“Don’t go far,” the Yakuza called after him. “I’m sure we’ll need you later.”
Just when Yoshi thought it couldn’t get any worse a giant of a man appeared at the crime lord's side, hard eyes studying the solemn shadow wolf. “How may I serve you, my lord?” The massive figure knelt and bowed his head.
“This needs to be cleaned and prepared for the festivities tonight.” The Yakuza shoved the startled shinobi into a pair of heavily muscled arms.
“Certainly, my lord,” the newcomer replied, lifting Yoshi easily and striding into the tub. The ninja began to relax as he was washed and rinsed, tensing only slightly when his genitals were cleaned. He was totally unprepared, therefore, to be plopped down on his knees as a hose was shoved deep in his ass.
Yoshi shuddered as he was filled with icy water, and was almost at his breaking point when he was finally allowed to release the fluid, emptying himself with a broken moan, only to have the cycle repeated. After the third repetition the water ran clean and he was lifted yet again. He craned his head to get his bearings as long strides carried him into an adjoining room and deposited him on a tall metal table. “Kneel,” the giant rumbled as he reached into a drawer, pulling out a small bottle and a pair of rubber gloves.
Seeing no way out of the situation, the shadow wolf positioned himself on his hands and knees. A spreader bar was pushed between his ankles and secured before he found his hands yanked forward, smashing his face into the smooth metal as his arms were stretched taut and bound.
This is embarrassing. Yoshi grimaced at the mental picture of himself with his ass forced wantonly in the air. He shivered when the snap of a rubber glove being pulled on cut through the silence.
At least he's using lube. The elite relaxed as a thick finger pushed through his pucker, to be followed almost immediately by a second. They pushed in and out slowly, twisting and stretching to loosen the muscles while skillfully avoiding his prostate. When a third finger was added it burned slightly, but Yoshi quickly adjusted, thankful he wouldn’t be torn again. Realization finally dawned when a fourth finger shoved its way in and he began to pant, almost hyperventilating when the thick thumb began to prod the over-stretched flesh.
The shadow wolf shrieked when the entire fist began flexing and twisting, finally popping through the distended ring. The servant slowly began to thrust until he was buried to his wrist before pulling back to the knuckles, straining the tissue to its limits before thrusting once more. Yoshi keened when his prostate was pummeled, unable to reach release with his cock so tightly bound.
After a few more deep thrusts the fist withdrew, wringing a harsh gasp from Yoshi as overstretched tissues protested. The bottle of lube was unceremoniously shoved deep into his now gaping entrance and the contents emptied before a plug was pushed inside and secured to the ring behind the elite's scrotum.
“All ready.” The giant swept Yoshi off the table and strode down the hall. He opened the door to a large dining room and deposited the shadow wolf on the floor at the head of the table. “Do you wish him bound, my lord?”
“Arms laced behind his back and the heavy lead on his cock piercing,” the Yakuza replied off-handedly. “I think that should whet their appetite. Unless you have a s
“No, my lord.” Yoshi's arms were secured awkwardly behind him and the cruel leash was once again clipped to his poor abused penis. The shadow wolf settled down to wait, shifting until he was as comfortable as possible given the circumstances. Like anything could be comfortable with a plug the size of a dinner plate in my ass. The elite turned his mind to other things, forcing himself to relax and conserve his energy for whatever was to come.
Makoto paced the floor of the teahouse, too much could go wrong at this stage of any operation. As always, he’d feel better when he knew where everyone stood. He breathed a sigh of relief when the first of the men he’d been waiting for slipped through the door. If he’d managed to convince the head of the influential Hayashi clan, the others would surely show.
Soon the heads of most of the major clans were gathered around the small table wondering what was so urgent that the head of covert operations needed to meet with them about it in secret. At the head of the table sat Hayashi Hoshu, stern-faced leader of the clan currently in power, flanking him were the other members of the council of elders. Kobayashi Tatsuya was the only surviving son of the previous Shuhan. Koga Aya was the matriarch of a large clan known for their tracking skills. Kikuchi Naoki's clan specialized in poisons. Narita Daichi was the head of a small clan of shape-shifters and Endo Akihiko's family specialized in tactical assessment.
Some of the clans were, unfortunately, no longer represented in council. The Takahashi clan had nearly died out and Yoshi had never shown any interest in the governing of the shuudan. The Oonishi, powerful weavers of illusion, hadn't attended in over a decade. The only one left was the eldest son Hideaki, and they had been hunting him unsuccessfully for years. The greatest absence, by far, was the Nakamura clan. Their only surviving member, a powerful shinobi named Kazuki, had once been in line to lead the shuudan. Instead, Kobayashi-sama's favorite apprentice disappeared before the announcement. Soon after, rumors began to filter in about the new Nakamura shuudan, however Kazuki himself had not been seen.
The interrogator ran a hand through his hair, unsure of how to explain the situation while still maintaining Yoshi's privacy. “Kobayashi-san,” he said, turning to face Tatsuya. “I recently uncovered a practice begun by your father that is now being abused by our current Shuhan.” Makoto scowled at the table. “One of our shinobi is being forced, under the guise of duty, to allow himself to be used as a whore and a whipping boy in order to satisfy Rin's debts and cover her opium expenses.”
“Since he is unfailingly loyal, this man has shouldered his burden, alone I might add, for far too many years. I believe it is our duty to call a halt to activities that reflect so poorly on our village, not to mention our humanity.” Makoto studied the dubious faces around the table, he had hoped for more of a reaction.
“Sasaki-san, not that I doubt your word, but I really need more information if I’m to act on this,” Akihiko decided.
“You have to admit, it's a little hard to believe,” Daichi added.
All eyes turned in disbelief when a tight-lipped Hoshu spoke up. “What do you want us to do?”
Makoto wondered, yet again, whether he should just stop now and cut his losses. After all, what he was about to suggest amounted to treason. He shook off his doubts and plunged ahead. “I am of the opinion that Rin should be removed from office. She was always a marginal choice.”
“That is a big step, Sasaki-san,” Hoshu replied. “I believe you will have to give our colleagues more information if you wish their cooperation. As for myself, I objected when I first discovered what Kobayashi-sama was up to, and I will back you up now.”
“Thank you, Hayashi-san, your support is appreciated.” The interrogator cast a hard eye on each clan head in turn. “I’ll need your word that what I’m about to tell you will stay locked up in your head. If this gets out you will end up with a very ugly enemy. The ninja in question is certain to retaliate.”
“We can keep a secret, Makoto,” Aya protested. “We’re not children.”
“Is that everyone's opinion?” the interrogator asked, making sure he got a nod of assent from everyone gathered. “Fine. How many of you remember Takahashi Ren?”
Most of the elders around the table remembered Yoshi's father well. They had gone on assignments together for years.
“Kobayashi-sama whored Takahashi out to merchants and nobles in exchange for favors and supplies. Ren committed suicide when he was informed he needed to bring his nine year old son along the next time.” Makoto studied the assembled faces, gratified to see nothing but shock and disgust. He didn’t know what he would do if one of the people he approached found some sick pleasure in the idea.
“Luckily for Yoshi,” the interrogator continued, “the head of the Oonishi clan had been training him. Oonishi-san moved Yoshi into his house after his father's death and Kobayashi-sama let the matter drop. After his mentor's death Yoshi was forced into taking over his father's role. I don’t think it happened that often,” he hastened to add when he realized that Tatsuya looked like he was about to throw up or pass out. “I checked, Yoshi was still doing a lot of assassinations. But since Rin became Shuhan, he hasn’t been on one official assignment, yet he's nearly always out on loan. It needs to stop.”
“How did you happen to come by this knowledge?” Naoki asked, face unreadable.
“I ran into Yoshi in the showers at headquarters a few nights ago. I thought he’d been captured and tortured.” Makoto's voice dropped to a pained whisper. “But that bitch just treated him and sent him off again. She's slowly killing a good man, not to mention destroying the reputation of our shuudan, and by extension, ourselves.”
“Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Sasaki-san,” Hoshu said in a frosty voice. “We will deal with our illustrious Shuhan. Do you know where Takahashi-san is now?”
“He was sent to service a Yakuza boss in Kanegawa.”
“I believe you should go retrieve our shadow wolf, he is far too valuable an asset to be languishing away in Kanegawa,” the Hayashi patriarch decided. “Take your time. We should have things in order here by the time you return.”
Makoto pulled on his coat and stood, but before he could leave an anxious hand clutched his sleeve. “Do you need help, Sasaki-san? I feel like I should do something. Yoshi and I have always been, not friends exactly, but friendly, comrades. We’ve done assignments together. How he must hate me.” Tatsuya buried his face in his hands.
“I think you’d be surprised.” Makoto laid a hand on his shoulder in a show of support. “I highly doubt you’d so much as catch a glimpse of Yoshi if he hated you. It seems to me he’d be the last person who would blame a son for his father's mistakes. Just treat him like you always have and I’m sure it will be fine.”
Dinner had been a torturous affair for the shadow wolf. Once the guests arrived he was ordered up on the table and the plug removed. The Yakuza then invited his guests to draw straws. The winner happily clambered up behind the shackled ninja and began forcing a salami into his anus, hooking a finger through the ring behind his scrotum to keep him from squirming away. Once his tormentor was satisfied with the amount pushed inside he flipped a startled Yoshi onto his back, pinning him in place while the guests hacked off portions of the protruding sausage to fill their plates.
After the sausage had been served the shadow wolf breathed a sigh of relief, at least none of the knives had slipped and severed something vital. He relaxed further when the remainder of the salami was roughly tugged out and tossed aside, only to have the four men begin filling his ass with polished stone orbs. The small spheres were not only making him uncomfortably full, they were also heavy, placing extra pressure on already abused tissue.
Just when he thought he’d burst the ninja was pulled off the table and maneuvered into a swinging seat. Yoshi suppressed a shiver as his legs were bound awkwardly to his chest while his cheeks were spread wide by the straps.
be back when we finish our meal, slut.” The crime lord fisted his hand in matted strands and tugged. “I’d advise you not to let any of those balls escape before you’re given permission. You wouldn’t want me to have to punish you.” With a hearty laugh the group headed back to the table, leaving the elite to retreat into his own memories in an attempt to escape the burning humiliation of the situation.
I never knew dinner could take so long. Yoshi fought the desire to panic. I don’t know how much longer I can keep these balls inside. Soon the four men wandered away from the table and over to where he hung, a polished orb desperately clutched by weakened muscles as it hung halfway out of his ass. “Hmmph.” The Yakuza slid a bowl under the suspended figure. “Now push those balls out so we can fuck you.”
The shadow wolf relaxed and let the orbs fall, wincing at the clatter they made as they landed in the metal bowl. As more and more emerged, it became harder to force them down his abused passage. His watchers took furious delight in his sweating and straining, passions flaring at the sight of the lean body contorted in pain. Yoshi let loose a hoarse cry as the last few passed through the ring and fell with a clang.
“Very good, boy,” the crime lord said. “We have a treat for you. We’re going to try a little experiment. I want to see how many of us can fit inside you at the same time. If you manage to take all four of us, I’ll let you come.”
Yoshi shuddered at the implications, resigning himself to relax as much as possible to minimize the damage. At least I know there's a medic on call. Almost immediately he felt the Yakuza press hard against his back as he easily slid inside. An immensely fat man who smelled of body odor and bad breath smashed himself tight against the shadow wolf's chest as he joined him. The third man stepped up to the elite's right and battered his way in to rest alongside the others.