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Shadow Wolf (Shinobi Saga) Page 2

  “Well then, you need to explain it, or I’ll have her explain it,” the interrogator threatened. “I’m not just going to leave you like this.”

  “I don’t see why not,” Yoshi retorted. “I out rank you, don’t force me to make it an order.”

  “You may out-rank me,” Makoto decided, “but as head of covert operations I’m technically your boss. Don’t make me order you.”

  “This was my mission. Now do you understand?” Makoto flinched as the meaning hit home. “I’m Rin's favorite bargaining chip, just like I was Kobayashi-sama's before her.” Yoshi studied the tile floor, unwilling to meet the torture master's hard, knowing, eyes.

  “How long?” the interrogator demanded. “How long have they been doing this to you?”

  “Since I started in covert operations,” came the sullen reply.

  “That's over twenty years. You were just a child.”

  “I was never a child.” Yoshi abandoned the last vestiges of his pride and rose to his full height, heedless of his nudity. “Now if you don’t mind, I believe you’ve snooped into my life enough.”

  “I mind very much,” Makoto tried to protest. “You’re a talented shinobi, not a common whore.”

  “That's right, I’m a loyal shinobi of Kobayashi shuudan. That means I bow to the will of the Kobayashi no Shuhan and complete the duties I am assigned to the best of my ability,” the shadow wolf whispered, as much to himself as to his unwanted guest.

  “At least let me treat your back,” the interrogator said after a long silence. “Then I’ll leave you in peace.”

  “It will heal on its own, it always does. Right now I’d just like to be left alone. Oh, and Sasaki-san?”


  “I’d appreciate it if you kept this to yourself. I value my privacy, for reasons I’m sure you understand. Now, if you’ll excuse me.” Yoshi urged him toward the door. “I’m sure I’ll see you around headquarters. Thank you for your concern, I’m sorry you were disturbed.” With that Makoto found himself standing on the stoop with the door firmly shut, locked and warded behind him.

  I’m not just going to let this go Yoshi, you haven’t seen the last of me. With that thought he headed home. Sleep eluded him though, his mind returning to the signs of torture littering the pale body. He finally slipped into restless dreams haunted by the shadow wolf's surprisingly attractive features in place of some of his recent 'guests'.


  Yoshi rose early the next morning, the clotted wounds on his back peeling free of the sheets with a sickening sound. He staggered into the bathroom, emptying his stomach of its meager contents before stepping into the shower. As he washed he turned the events of the previous night over in his mind, unsure of what his course of action should be.

  I don’t want to talk to Makoto, but I don’t want him going to the Shuhan either. The shadow wolf pondered his options while he waited for the kettle to boil. Maybe he’ll just let the whole thing drop.

  Yoshi drank his tea and carefully rinsed the fragile cup. Slipping on his sandals, he headed out the door on his way to the cemetery. Once there he searched the stones until he came to a familiar name, stopping and squatting as he addressed his fallen mentor. The shadow wolf wondered, as he always did, if his life would have been different had Oonishi-sama survived. Lighting some incense, he clapped his hands together three times and bowed his head before speaking. “Hello, shishou,” he murmured. “I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I know it's been a while. Nothing's changed, but Makoto saw me at headquarters last night when I got back. I know he wants an explanation, I just don’t have one to give him.” He shook his head as he tried to figure out what his master would have advised. “I guess I should just go check in. See you later.” With that he shuffled off, pretending to talk on his cell phone in order to guarantee his undisturbed passage.

  Halfway there a booming voice broke into his thoughts. Oh damn, he's spotted me. Yoshi reluctantly stopped to wait as Watanabe Jun made his way across the street. Jun was known for his unworldly speed, it was pointless to try and evade him. The reclusive Takahashi regarded his self-proclaimed friend with dismay. Jun was loud and emotional … and far too likely to realize something was wrong. As much as it pained him to admit it, the boisterous, easy going shinobi was the closest thing he had to a friend here in the enclave.

  “My dear friend, where have you been hiding yourself? You haven't come by to train in months.” Jun clapped a heavy hand on the shadow wolf's back. “It has been far too long since we have engaged in a spar.”

  “Not today, Jun.” Yoshi shut his eyes as waves of pain rippled down his spine. “I need to go report in, I'm just back from an assignment. I’ll find you when I’ve got some free time.”

  “Yosh, I look forward to it.”

  The last Takahashi took a deep breath, standing up straight in hopes of preventing his shirt from sticking to the newly reopened scores on his back. He squared his shoulders and continued toward headquarters, trying his hardest to ignore the sticky trickle working its way down between his shoulder blades.

  He soon found himself outside the Kobayashi no Shuhan's office, shifting from foot to foot as he waited for Rin to summon him. “She’ll see you now, Takahashi-san,” the Shuhan's longtime aide announced. “Sorry to make you wait.”

  “That's no problem, thank you, Junko-san.” The shadow wolf bowed politely before taking another deep breath and following her inside. He strode toward the giant desk inlaid with the symbol of the Kobayashi clan. It was a reminder of why the shuudan was founded. Yoshi stopped abruptly and stood at attention, carefully studying the woman lounging on the other side of the desk.

  Despite the flaming color she dyed her hair, the famous kunoichi Rin was as cold as her name implied. Her power, skill, and calculating intellect had elevated her to the ranks of the legendary, something only a handful of living shinobi had achieved, yet she had squandered her talents, living a life of depravity and spending days on end in an opium stupor. Still, the clan elders had appointed her to this position after Kobayashi-sama's death for, despite her dissolute appearance, she was a shrewd and canny strategist who did not flinch at the necessity of putting her shinobi in harm's way if it benefited the shuudan.

  “Ah, Takahashi, I hope your assignment ended successfully?” Rin chuckled from behind her desk. “Join me for sake?”

  “No thank you, Shuhan-sama,” he replied. “I’m not much of a drinker.”

  “You have something for me then?” she continued with a smirk.

  “I believe this is what you sent me to retrieve.” Yoshi handed over a crumpled IOU signed by the Shuhan and a small ball of opium.

  “Wonderful. I had no idea how I was going to pay that off.” Rin shifted back to recline comfortably in her chair, fixing the rigid figure in front of her with a leer. “Now, about your next assignment.”

  “I need a few days to heal.” The shadow wolf tried to protest, hoping to at least delay his departure. “I can’t function like this.”

  “I’m sure we can take care of what ails you,” the Shuhan assured him. She stood and circled the elite slowly, reaching out with her ki to sense the wounds hidden beneath his uniform. “Hmm,” she murmured as she swept her hands down Yoshi's back. “I didn’t know Riyou was so kinky.” She rummaged around on her desk, tossing him a jar of salve with a sadistic chuckle. “This should leave you good as new,” she declared. “Make sure you coat yourself inside. If you need some help I can think of a few people who'd be happy to lend you a hand.” Her hoarse laughter raised the shadow wolf's hackles, his strained smile closer to a snarl. “You really should thank me, Takahashi, not everyone gets to be an eternal virgin.”

  “Whatever,” he grumbled. “Now, what do you need me to do?”


  Makoto rose early from a restless sleep, his encounter with the shadow wolf triggering memories of his own capture. He raked a hand through his tangled hair, eyes slipping shut as he pondered what he should do about Yoshi. After c
onsidering what little he knew, the torture master realized he needed to tread cautiously, opting to find the elusive shinobi and try to get him to talk, rather than approaching the Shuhan with his concerns.

  The interrogator was soon striding through the village, intimidating scowl firmly in place. He detoured through the cemetery, knowing Yoshi often visited when he was home, but the clearing was deserted. Makoto paused to run a hand over his family marker, feeling a momentary closeness to the departed whose names he now traced almost absently. He sent up a silent prayer for those who had gone ahead before turning towards headquarters.

  He strode into his office, summoning a black-masked operative to follow. “Bring me Takahashi Yoshi.” The figure saluted and vanished, leaving Makoto alone to contemplate what he planned on saying.

  He was still deep in thought when the operative returned. “I’m sorry sir, but it appears Takahashi-san has been sent out of town on an assignment. There is no information on where he has gone or when he is expected to return. Is there something else you need?”

  “No, that will be all.” Makoto's normally impassive face twisted into a scowl. Great, now I have to go deal with Rin. “I’ll be in the Shuhan's office,” he growled as he passed his aide on the way upstairs.

  “We need to talk,” he declared. “Junko, get lost.” The Shuhan's assistant quickly complied. Rin could hold her own against the torture master, she had no desire to hang around when he was obviously pissed off.

  “What are you doing to Takahashi?” he demanded the moment they were alone. “I saw him last night. Don’t bother to deny it.”

  “I’m using one of my shinobi in the way that best suits his talents,” Rin retorted. “What business is it of yours?”

  “I hardly think that being used as a whore and a whipping boy suits the talents of someone as powerful as our shadow wolf. What made you consider it?”

  “I merely continued using him, I didn’t start it,” the kunoichi replied. Her eye fell on the ball of opium, so she started rooting through a drawer in search of her pipe. “What do you remember about Takahashi Ren?”

  “I know he committed suicide.”

  “Ren was Yoshi's father. He was warned there would be repercussions when he refused to carry out an assassination. Kobayashi-sama decided to use him as a bargaining chip in hopes of dispelling some of the rumors when we didn't complete the contract. Depression over his new duties most likely influenced his decision to end his own life.” Rin paused when she located her elusive pipe, carefully filling it before snapping her fingers and kindling a small flame. She inhaled deeply, holding her breath for over a minute. When she opened her mouth the remnant smoke curled out lazily, obscuring her face in a blurry haze.

  “I know from the records that his next assignment was supposed to be a father and son duo.” She stopped short at the expression on the normally stoic interrogator's face. “What?”

  “That's sick. Yoshi couldn’t have been more than seven or eight.”

  “He was nine,” Rin noted. “But the head of the Oonishi clan took him in after his father's suicide, so Kobayashi-sama decided not to push the issue. After Oonishi-sama's death and our conflict with the Iwagashi, our shuudan was weak. Kobayashi-sama felt it was best to re-institute the practice with Ren's son. It's amazing what someone will pay for a night with the infamous shadow wolf.”

  “Our existence is no longer threatened. What's your excuse?” The torture master loomed over her, hands clenching into fists.

  “I have … expenses,” she retorted. “It's not like I’m risking his life. Besides, he probably enjoys it. He's been doing it for years without any complaints.”

  “I hardly think that means he wants to be on the receiving end of some pervert's advances. Do the clan heads know?”

  “It's none of their business,” Rin insisted. “And if you don’t back off you’ll find yourself in the same boat.”

  “I’d like to see you try,” the interrogator countered. “Where is Yoshi now?”

  “He's gone to Kanegawa. There's a Yakuza there who has agreed to give us some of his race horses and wipe out my personal debt in exchange for a couple weeks with Takahashi.”

  “Just like that. He was in no shape to go anywhere,” Makoto seethed. “I thought he’d been tortured.”

  “I healed him before I let him go, obviously. No one wants to pay a premium for damaged merchandise. I’m not heartless,” the Shuhan protested when the torture master fixed her with a ferocious glare. “There are rules. He can’t be killed or permanently mutilated, a shinobi medic needs to be on call to treat any serious injuries, and, of course, he can’t be exposed to any infectious diseases.”

  “Oh, wonderful, that way you can drag out his misery,” Makoto muttered. “He's a human being, Rin, it would be wrong to treat an animal the way you’re treating him.”

  “Takahashi won’t appreciate you getting involved,” she pointed out. “In the end all you’ll do is make a dangerous enemy.”

  “I’ll take that chance. This isn’t over.” With that he swept out of her office, banging the door behind him. No one knew what had transpired, but judging from the look on the interrogator's face it wasn’t good. Seasoned assassins fled at the sight of a grim Makoto muttering to himself as he stormed back to his desk.

  As he passed through reception he motioned for several waiting shinobi to follow. Once inside his office he penned a note to the outlying sentries, requesting he be notified the moment Yoshi returned. He then wrote to the clan leaders, requesting a private meeting to discuss 'rumors of disturbing practices'. That should tickle their interest. I don’t want to take any chances on some of them deciding not to show. I need them all on my side.

  Once the black ops had sped off to deliver his requests Makoto leaned back in his chair, wondering where Yoshi was at that moment and if he was alright. No point in worrying about it now. He sat up and dug into the pile of paperwork in his in-box while he waited for responses to his letters to start trickling in.


  Yoshi trudged into the Yakuza leader's palatial estate after three days on the road; tired, hungry, and more than ready to have this duty over with and be on his way back home. Still, it was well worth the walk to enjoy a few extra days of freedom. He squared his shoulders and lifted the ornate knocker, letting it fall with a resounding clang. The shuudan needs this, he reminded himself, plastering an overly large grin on the face behind the traditional black mask.

  “Takahashi Yoshi reporting as requested.” He knelt and bowed his head.

  “So you’re the mighty shadow wolf of the Kobayashi,” the Yakuza replied as he circled the kneeling man. “Why are you still dressed, boy? Don’t you know how to present yourself to a new master? Do you know who I am?”

  Yoshi quickly stripped, dropping his clothes in an untidy heap. “Mask too, boy,” the Yakuza barked and the shadow wolf reluctantly complied, once again cursing the ki binding spell cast on him so many years ago. Now he was blocked from summoning his power unless it was with his Shuhan's consent. Frustration and rage bubbled underneath his deceptively placid facade. He’d love to be able to harness his full strength and kill everyone in his path.

  “Turn around, let me look at you,” the crime lord ordered, rubbing his hand over smooth opalescent skin. The shadow wolf slowly pivoted in place, steeling himself not to pull away from the pudgy, slightly sweaty hands that were currently groping him. Would it be so horrible if just once the man I had to service was at least marginally attractive? Yoshi studied the Yakuza through lowered lashes; short, middle aged, with a balding head and a sagging belly. I hit the jackpot this time. He barely suppressed a shudder when he saw the sadistic smirk gracing his new master's face.

  “Very pretty, but a little on the plain side. I believe you could use some decoration.” The Yakuza roughly pushed him to his knees, grabbing a handful of his hair and towing him across the room. “Back to the wall, boy, and grasp the bar.”

  Yoshi wrapped his hands around the pipe
in front of him, willing himself to relax when his wrists were shackled and the bar raised until his feet just brushed the floor. His legs were spread and similarly shackled, leaving him immobilized.

  “Where to start,” the crime lord mused as he circled the bound figure. “At the top, I guess.” He smirked as he grasped a pale nipple, twisting it until it hardened before slowly pushing a thick needle through the base, finally inserting a heavy stainless steel ring. He repeated the procedure on the other nipple, watching the elite ninja's face for any changes, obviously disappointed by the lack of reaction.

  “That wasn’t so bad now, was it, boy?” the Yakuza asked almost tenderly, actions belying his tone when he yanked hard on the newly pierced nubs. “Looks like you’re ready to step it up a notch.” With that the man sunk to his knees, squatting between Yoshi's long legs. He fondled the heavy sac, causing a shudder to run through the lean shinobi. “Like that, do you?” He gave the tender skin another soft stroke before wrapping his hand around the shadow wolf's balls and squeezing hard.

  The elite's breath whooshed out of his lungs and he struggled to remain still, trying not to put more pressure on his already strained shoulders. He had a sinking feeling this was only the beginning.

  Satisfied that he was finally getting a reaction the crime lord slowly ran his piercing needle through the sensitive flesh between Yoshi's balls and anus, sliding it back and forth several times before pulling it free and inserting another heavy stainless ring.

  When a hand closed around his flaccid cock the shadow wolf panicked, eyes rolling in his head as he struggled to free himself. “Now, now, pet. I’ll start to think you don’t love me.”

  The Yakuza gave the twitching length a few gentle strokes before wrapping his lips around the tip and blowing softly. Yoshi gritted his teeth and willed himself to stay limp, picturing every repulsive thing he could think of in hopes of resisting. Eventually, however, he gave up, shutting his eyes and accepting the inevitable as his arousal stirred to life. The moment he was hard the crime boss snapped on a cock ring, brandishing his needle yet again to place a series of barbells up the underside of the shaft. By the time the last rod was inserted the stoic ninja had bitten a hole in his cheek in an attempt to stay silent and appear unconcerned.